Wednesday, February 17, 2010


As I sit here during snowmaggeddon I am looking at my aquarium full of fish I collected this past summer and reminiscing about the story behind each fish. What a cool atmosphere with all this snow outside, hope you are enjoying your aquarium as well!
We still have 6 spaces available on our Tropical Fish Collecting Trip. If you are not signed up yet, make sure you check your schedule and do so soon.
Some of you have responded to ask questions and wondering what we would be doing on our trip.
Here’s an idea of what we will be doing:
We will start our trip a few weeks before we even leave for Ft. Lauderdale, on May 19, we will have an introductory meeting, for those of you who don’t know how to set up an aquarium and a how to on collecting. This meeting will give you a better understanding of techniques on how to collect, what to collect and how to s tore and transfer our fish.
Once on site in Ft. Lauderdale, we will set up our storing systems and ready our dive gear for diving.
We will dive in shallow 15-20 foot areas to allow for easy surfacing of our fish. If we dive too deep or catch the wrong species of fish, the bladders of the fish could over expand on surfacing.
What will we collect? With keen eyes for species of juveniles and your new knowledge of identifying the different stage of their development our collection should include: queen angels, blue angels, French angels, towsend angels, four eye butterflies, banded butterflies, blennies, jawfish, gobies, parrotfish and wrasses.
Once back to our rooms we will acclimate and prepare for another day of diving.
Once we have done all our dives we will packet and ship the fish back home. We’ll have bags and oxygen available for shipping them safely.
Now it’s up to you- Do you want fish in your aquarium with a story and adventure? Then join us in Ft. Lauderdale!
Drop me an email if you have any questions.

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